Win More Patients With Your Patient Stories?

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It’s no secret that the healthcare industry is at least two years behind other industries in its use of content marketing, more specifically storytelling.

Patient stories narrate the patient’s journey from who they were before they met you to how they are feeling after they have successfully healed with your help. This is actually the most effective strategy to attract ideal patients.

You know you are an amazing doctor and you can make this world a better place with your knowledge and experience, but you do not have enough patients visiting you. If 1000s of people need medical care in your city. You are losing patients to your competitors. Even people who have been referred to you are going online to check your reviews, testimonials, and proof. If they are not coming to you, they are probably not inspired.

Why tell your patients stories?

Here’s likely what’s happening:

  • You have no control over who you attract.
  • People have no idea who you are,
  • People are unsure whether you can help them
  • Patients need to connect and resonate with you.
  • Patients also want to learn more about their condition by hearing and seeing others who are facing or have faced, similar health challenges or diagnoses. 
  • They want to connect and learn from first-hand experiences, rather than simply read about a specific condition on a hospital website.


What’s the solution?

Use patient stories to make those connections. 


Here are some steps that will help you connect with potential patients. 

How can you quickly start writing the patient story?

Storytelling is quick and super easy using our template. Here are the easy steps to get started:

  • Fill out the form above.
  • Check the blog to see your published story.
  • Share the published stories on your website, your Facebook page, your Instagram (and if you don’t have those, we need to talk!). (Compulsory)

Tips to improve your stories:

  • Record videos of yourself telling your patients’ story (optional)
  • Ask happy patients to send you a video testimonial. (optional)
  • Speak to your ideal patient in your videos- Ask, what are his/her biggest lifestyle, emotional. or physical problems?
  • Encourage your patients to write their own stories.  There is amazing power in having patients tell their stories by recounting their own experiences. Ask your existing clients  
    • Who is in their family?
    • What is their occupation?
    • Where do they live?
    • What they went through before finding you?
    • How their condition has affected their personal life?
    • How did your treatment improve their health?
    • How did their life change after getting the treatment from you?
    • What are their future plans?


This can give you ideas for telling your story.

The story will change the way you interact, the patients you attract, and the connections you build before patients even visit you.

Get Started