Common Signs Of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder In Children

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Common Signs Of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder In Children

Does your child have a learning disorder? You are not alone since many children are plagued by this problem. The most important thing is to know the learning disorder that your child has and how you can mitigate it. In most cases, those children who have learning disabilities are advised to go for psychoeducational testing. Here, the parent is able to know what his or her is child good at and what he or she is weak in. This enables the parent to identify the right environment and resources to provide in order for their child to realize their full potential.

Therefore, what is a learning disorder? A learning disorder is a neurobiological problem caused by abnormalities in the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex usually performs different cognitive functions such as helping you pay attention, encoding new information, retention of newly learned material, reasoning, and so on. The cognitive function regularly helps us to communicate with others, learn new information, and do other things in life. There are several learning disorders that you should know. One of the most common is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which we are going to discuss in this article.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a disease that affects over 6 million children in the world. Once a child gets this disorder, the effects can be felt even way into adulthood. One of the most common characteristics of children with this ailment is that they usually have difficulty paying attention or remaining on the same task for some time. These kids frequently get distracted easily and typically have a difficult time learning in class. This can make your child not to perform well in school or have bad grades.

ADHD basically includes a combination of persistent problems such as difficulty in sustaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. If your child has this problem, he or she might struggle with low esteem issues, troubled relationships, and even poor performance in his or her academics. As you advance in age, the symptoms usually become less. However, there are others who still have these symptoms even when they are advanced in age. The good news is that one can learn how to deal with the various symptoms of this disorder and take medications. Behavioral interventions can also help mitigate this problem.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is generally diagnosed in young children i.e., teenagers or younger, with the average age of diagnosis being seven years. If this disorder is diagnosed early in advance, treatment by a pediatric neurologist can make a big difference in the affected individuals.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

  1. Self-focused behavior.

This is a common sign of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Here, individuals who have ADHD usually have an inability to recognize other people’s needs and desires. This can make such individuals keep on interrupting and causing trouble as they wait for their turn. Such individuals might interrupt others rudely while they are talking or butt into conversion or games that they are not part of.

  1. Emotional turmoil.

Children who have ADHD usually have a difficult time keeping their emotions in check. In this case, they might have outbursts of anger at inappropriate times. Younger children can even have temper tantrums that may lead to embarrassing situations for their parents and guardians.

  1. Fidgetiness.

If your child has this disorder, he or she cannot stay still. He or she might want to play or even run around. Such children usually try to get up and run around. They can also squirm in the chair when they are forced to sit on it. It is also important to note that children hardly play silently. They can hardly engage calmly in their leisure activities.

  1. They do not finish the tasks assigned.

A child who has this disorder usually shows a lot of interest in different things at the same time. He or she hardly finishes various tasks assigned to him or her. For instance, when he or she is assigned to clean the table or even fold clothes, they might leave these tasks and then choose to go and play or do their homework. In short, these kids usually move on to the next thing before finishing the assigned tasks. In this case, you might have several tasks that are yet to be completed.

  1. Lack of focus.

Children who have ADHD usually have a difficult time paying attention. This is the case even if you are speaking directly to them. They might be able to hear you but will not be able to repeat what you just said.

  1. Reject tasks that need more mental effort.

Some tasks typically require you to offer more concentration and focus. In this case, you have to take more time executing them. Children who have ADHD usually find it difficult performing such tasks. They might even avoid such tasks and choose to play or do their own tasks.

  1. Failure to follow instructions.

Children who have ADHD usually have a difficult time following given instructions. This can make such individuals make reckless mistakes. However, this does not indicate that these individuals are lazy or lack intelligence.

  1. Daydreaming.

Sometimes, children who have this disorder can just stare into space and even daydream. Most of them usually ignore what is going on around them. These children can be quieter and less involved than other kids. If your child portrays this behavior, he or she might have this disorder.

  1. Forgetfulness.

It is normal to forget some things in life. However, too much forgetfulness is not normal. Some of these children usually tend to be forgetful in their daily activities. In this case, children with this disorder might forget to do their assignments or even forget where they kept their toys.

Children who have ADHD can show these symptoms in multiple settings. For instance, they might show a lack of focus both in school and even at home. You should be on the lookout for these symptoms. You might think that your child is defiant or resistant. However, he or she might have ADHD. If you notice that your child has this disorder, you should take him or her to a pediatric neurologist in Dubai for further examination and treatment. This can significantly help mitigate this situation since ADHD can be treated. You can trust that your pediatric neurologist will help you determine the best course of action.

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