Autism and How You Should Deal With It

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Autism and How You Should Deal With It

You might have heard about autism in the recent past. Autism refers to a complicated condition that includes problems with communication and behavior. Autism is also known as an autism spectrum disorder. This condition is usually related to brain development and impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others. This, in turn, causes problems in social interaction and communication. This disorder usually includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior. The word spectrum in autism spectrum disorder usually refers to the full range of symptoms and severity. This includes conditions such as:

  • Asperger’s syndrome
  • Childhood disintegrative disorder
  • Unspecified form of pervasive developmental disorder.

It is worth noting that autism spectrum disorder usually begins in early childhood. This condition often causes problems later in life. You can quickly know whether your child has autism within the first year since a small number of children usually tend to develop this condition within the first year and then go through a period of regression between 18 and 24 months of age after developing autism symptoms.

What are the symptoms of autism?

Children with an autism spectrum disorder in their early infancy usually show the following symptoms:

  1. Reduced eye contact
  2. Lack of response to their name or caregivers
  3. A narrow range of interests or intense interest in specific areas
  4. Doing something over and over again.
  5. High sensitivity to sounds, touches, and smells. Some can be sensitive to sights that are ordinary to other people.
  6. Not wanting to be held or cuddled
  7. Not looking at things when someone points at them
  8. Problems in understanding or using speech and gestures
  9. Difficulty in adapting to changes in routine.
  10. Seizures

What are the different types of autism spectrum disorders?

There are several types of autism spectrum disorders that you should know. These include:

  1. Asperger’s syndrome.

Children with this syndrome do not have issues with language. Most of these children usually score well when it comes to intelligence tests. However, they typically have social problems and have a narrow scope of interests.

  1. Autistic disorder.

This disorder is also known as classical autism. This refers to the problems with social interactions, communication, and play in chidden who are less than three years old.

  1. Childhood disintegrative disorder.

Most children with this disorder usually have typical developmental issues for at least two years. Some of them often end up losing most of their communication and social skills.

  1. Pervasive developmental disorder.

This is also known as atypical autism. Your child has this disorder when he or she has some autistic behavior such as delays in communication and social skills but does not fit in any of the categories as mentioned earlier.

What are the causes of autism?

This is a question that is asked by most parents. This is because this is a strange phenomenon to most of them. Most pediatric neurologists in Dubai insist that the main cause of autism is not clear. The reason is because this condition could stem from problems in parts of your brain that are responsible for interpreting sensory input and process language. Research has shown that boys are likely to develop autism compared to girls. It can also occur in people of different races, ethnicity, and so on. It can affect any child irrespective of his family income, lifestyle, or educational level.

Autism usually runs in different families; this is because certain combinations of genes can increase your child’s risk. Children who have older parents usually have a high risk of developing autism. Pregnant women who are exposed to drugs such as alcohol or anti-seizure medications, their children are likely to be autistic. Besides these factors, other circumstances can increase your chances of getting these disorders. These include maternal metabolic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and so on.

Are seizures and epilepsy related to autism?

It is worth noting that seizures usually occur more often in children who have autism than those without it. One-third of the population that has autism usually have epilepsy as well. Epilepsy is a seizure disorder. This usually occurs due to the misfiring of electrical signals in the brain and can actually cause loss of awareness and muscle control. The good news is that a pediatric neurologist in Dubai can help treat this problem. However, it is vital that he or she gets a seizure screening first before a specialist can recommend any further treatment. 

Should a child with autism see a pediatric neurologist?

This is another crucial question that is asked by most parents with autistic children. If your child has this disorder, he or she should be seen or evaluated by medical specialists. One of the specialists that you should consider is a pediatric neurologist. A pediatric neurologist is a specialist that studies and treats the brain and the nervous system of small kids. He or she usually treats a wide range of conditions that are related to the central nervous system, such as brain development, seizures, and even muscle function.

Besides seizures, your child can be referred to this specialist if he or she is showing signs of developmental problems. In this case, if your child is showing a slow rate of development compared to his or her peers, he or she should visit a pediatric neurologist for diagnosis. If you notice delays in social, communication, and play skills in your child, you should take him or her to this specialist.

In addition, if you notice that your child is hyperactive or has sleep issues, you should take him or her to a pediatric neurologist. Lastly, if you notice that your child has an abnormally small or large head, you should not hesitate to take him or her to a pediatric neurologist. He or she can help you diagnose this problem.

Consider investing in the services of a pediatric neurologist in Dubai for the health of your child. If you notice that your child has autism, talk to your pediatric neurologist, and he or she will be able to advise you on the treatment options that will be best for your kid. 

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